Just a bit about me

Born and raised in the Washington DC area, I attended George Mason University where I studied IT Web Development. My intrigue for design came at an early age from my mom, a master Ukrainian artist, who taught me the essence of good design. With my fascination in the ways emerging technologies can make our lives easier and knack for design instinct I found the perfect field for myself, Product Design.

With 4 years in professional product design and 6 years in IT, I bring a unique data-driven design approach.

I've worked as the Product Designer at VideoNext, a Video Surveillance as a Service (VSaaS) company. I designed internal and external facing platforms/tools that manage huge data flows coming from diverse device types.
‍As a designer in this industry I strive to genuinely understand user and business needs at every level of the product. A lot of times a design decision could end up drawing the line between life or death (not to be dramatic).